Hugo breadcrumb design and implementation

There is a Hugo official example which describe how to implement a navigation breadcrump here:

Anyway I didn’t make it work as I expected. I think it may not work if we oragnize contents use nested subdir.However I will implement a breadcrumb based on Hugo contains function.


Hugo where contains function has been integratedHugo "contains" operator implementation in "where" function, and have a section template like below:

{{ $currentDir := .Dir }}
{{ partial "breadcrumb.html" . }} {{ $paginator := .Paginate ( where (where .Site.AllPages "Kind" "page") "Path" "contains" $currentDir ) }} {{ range $paginator.Pages }} {{ partial "post_summary.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ partial "pagination.html" . }}


  1. Process the Page.Dir variable, as it has format: /blog/cloud/docker/, we need remove the last / from the string, the final result would be /blog/cloud/docker

    {{ $trimmedDir := strings.TrimSuffix "/" .Dir }}
  2. Split the $trimmedDir to a Slice like: ["blog", "cloud", "docker"]

    {{ $categories := split $trimmedDir "/" }}
  3. Calculate the length of categories

    {{ $total := len $categories }}
  4. If length of categories >0, then calculate last item’s index which will be uased in next range logic to check if we reach to the last item or not.

    {{ $lastIndex := sub $total 1 }}
  5. Iterate the categories item, and do below logic

  • If we reaches to the last item, condition check below code is true, then we need make the current category item to be the active one

    {{ if eq $i $lastIndex }}
  • For other category, we need build a valid relative URL with below logic:

    • As categories are split from the top to bottom, the first (loop index + 1) part of categories collection represents the correct relative path

    • Get how many items we need to fetch in the categories from the left to right

      {{ $firstPart := add $i 1 }}
    • Get the first part of categories with $firstPart number

      {{ $subDirs := first $firstPart $categories }}
    • Assembly sub directories with delimit function and DELIMIT is "/"

      {{ $relUrl := delimit $subDirs "/" }}
    • For example: assume categories is a Slice of ["blog", "cloud", "docker"]

    • if $i(loop index) is 0, then we need get the "first 1", url is:

      $url = "blog"
    • if $i(loop index) is 1, then we need get the "first 2" part of categories, url is:

      $url = "blog/cloud"

Complete "breadcrumb.html" template

{{ $trimmedDir := strings.TrimSuffix "/" .Dir }}
{{ $categories := split $trimmedDir "/" }}
{{ $total := len $categories }}

{{ if gt $total 0 }}

{{ $lastIndex := sub $total 1 }}

{{ else }}

{{ end }}

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