There are many proxy software, squid is the popular one, but I don’t want to install it as I can reuse the Apache’s proxy function. Below I will introduce how to setup the forward proxy with authentication function in Apache 2.2.x.(The example based on Apache 2.2.x shipped with Oracle Linux 6)
- Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, make sure mod_proxy module has been set to be loaded
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
- Make sure the /etc/httpd/modules/ exists
- Find the mod_proxy keyword, and add following
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyRequests On
ProxyRemote * http://<upper proxy IP>:<port>
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
AuthType Digest
AuthName <Realm Name> <--- Realm Name
AuthDigestDomain / <--- Digest prtected domain
AuthUserFile <digest password file> <--- Password file generated by htdigest command
require user <username>
- Generate a digest password file contains the user/password info
#htdigest -c <filename> <Realm Name/AuthName> <Username>
>> <--- input password the first time
>> <--- input password the second time