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100 篇文章

一、 首先我们基本遵循Git Flow规范: 参考资料 Git Flow 的正确使用姿势 Git flow 规范 我们所有的开发工作基于develop分支,不允许直接在develop分支上直接修改 在提测前所有开发工作都是从develop分支上拉取最新的代码进行开发, 开发完成后提merge request合并到develop分支 Release分…
Why some translation not shown up in Django app
While I dev some django app, I follow the standard procedure to generate the message.po file python djang-admin.py makemessages -l zh_CN I tried compile it and restart httpd t…
Hugo breadcrumb design and implementation
There is a Hugo official example which describe how to implement a navigation breadcrump here: Example: Breadcrumb Navigation Anyway I didn't make it work as I expected. I thi…
Hugo common pitfalls and cheat sheet
Why language specific params defined in "[lanuage]" missing some information defined outside "[lanuage]" [params] [params.home] var1 ="1" var2 ="2" [langua…
Web programming pitfalls
How to send jquery datatables data via Ajax A: Use: dataTable_instanc().rows().data().toArray() How to send json data via Ajax A: It need use JSON.stringtify(Array) to make th…
Hugo list all the pages under sub directories
(1) Background Normally, we feel intuitive to put files under different nested sub directory, each directory could represents as file's category it belongs to or with specific…