we have a below json column commission
in mysql table like this:
[{"lv": 0, "uid": 66, "val": 60}, {"lv": 1, "uid": 51, "val": 10}, {"lv": 2, "uid": 43, "val": 10}]
Our business logic need checl the first item’s uid.
As our data is so big, doing like this will consume serveral seconds.
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(1) FROM OrderItem a INNER JOIN Orders b ON a.orders_id=b.id WHERE a.commission->'$[0].uid' = 111 AND b.user_id<> 111 AND b.status IN (1,2)
As json index is available since MySQL5.7, we did below to optimize the sql:
Firstly, we need a column towards
ALTER TABLE OrderItem ADD COLUMN csFirstUid bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( commission->'$[0].uid' ); -
Add index for such
columnalter table add index idxCsFirstUid csFirstUid; -
Change sql as following:
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(1) FROM OrderItem a INNER JOIN Orders b ON a.orders_id=b.id WHERE a.csFirstUid = 111 AND b.user_id<> 111 AND b.status IN (1,2)
mysql json操作
e,g: [1,2,3] json_extract(`trackingNos`,'$[0]') ==> trackingNos->'$[0]' ===> 1 e,g: [{"id": 1, "name": "test1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "test2"}, {"id": 3, "name": "test3"},] json_extract(`trackingNos`,'$[1].name') ==> trackingNos->'$[1].name' ===> "test2"